Mystery Detective Adventure Case 2 Walkthrough

Mystery Detective Adventure is a quality puzzle mystery game with some challenging puzzles. If you’re having trouble with them, read on for our full walkthrough of Case 2.

If you’re looking for the rest of the game, we’ve got you covered here (Case 3 will be added soon):

Mystery Detective Adventure Walkthrough – Case 2 Improbable suicide

In the next case, we will attempt to help a brothel owner whose son died recently. The police ruled the death as a suicide, but the mother doesn’t believe this is the cause. She suspects a local businessman is the culprit, but you’ll need to find proof.

You start this adventure in downtown, where you’ll speak to the mother. She’ll tell you where the crime scene is so you can investigate. She’ll tell you to take the stairs across from our carriage to the town’s central square. First, however, there are several places around this downtown area we’ll want to take note of:

Downtown Square

The first location is the Downtown Square. There is a morphing object above the door of the Brothel. It switches back and forth between a clock face an a decorative stone object. Make sure to pick that up before you get started.

Use the key to open your carriage. Inside the carriage is the portable experiment table, where you can test samples. On the left is a bag that we can open to collect some useful supplies: tweezers and a knife. Also pick up the oiler from the table, then pick up a chess piece Chess Collectible 1/8 on the right side of the screen. Now that you have picked up the items needed from the carriage, you can head back into the street. Click the brown door where the mother of the deceased was located before. This is the Brothel, and it will take you into the lobby.

Brothel – Lobby

Now that you are in the lobby, you can interact with several items. There is a locked door the left and a locked door to the right, a grandfather clock, and some other objects. The only things you can actually do anything with at the moment are:

  • The Spider cage has a Brush inside. If you open up the cage, you can use the Tweezers to pull the brush out.
  • There is an alcohol cabinet above the spider’s cage toward the top of the screen; inside is a bottle of alcohol you should pick up.
  • To the left of the screen is an umbrella stand; take the Umbrella out.
  • There is a Morphing Object above the doorway to the billiards room. It’s a rose carving above the door on the left side of the screen.

Central Square

After you have gotten all the items in the Brothel’s Lobby, go back into the street and head up the stairs by the Antiques Shop. This will lead you to the Central Square. There are several objects to pick up or take note of, so I noted them all below.

  • Drain grate – On the ground in the center of the square; there is a Screwdriver under the grate. Use the tweezers to pull them out.
  • Flower bed – To the left of the wooden door.
  • Metal gate – On the front left side under the Cafe sign.
  • Pond – Past the cafe on the left side.
  • Path to the Gazebo – In the distance on the left side.
  • Doghouse – On the far left side.
  • Morphing Object – The beer mug on the Cafe sign is a morphing object.

First, look inside the drain grate on the ground and use the tweezers to retrieve the Screwdriver. This will be useful later on. You won’t be able to interact with much of Central Square right now. Take the path in the distance to the left as your make your way to the gazebo.


This is the crime scene, so you’ll want to be very thorough in your investigation and pick up as much evidence as you can.

  • Body outline – On the ground on the left side (Evidence 1/5 – Torn button; you’ll need to brush some leaves out of the way).
  • Weeds – On the left side beside the body outline (Evidence 2/5 – The deceased’s watch, use the knife to cut some weeds out of the way).
  • Bench – On the left side against the stone wall (Goblet)
  • Statue – In the center of the gazebo (Evidence 3/5 – Scratched initials, use the brush from the spider tank in the brothel to clean the moss off of them).
  • Loose brick – On the right side of the statue near the window.
  • Mechanism – On the far right side up the stone steps.
  • Crack in the stone – On the ground in front of the statue (Bottle – clear out the weeds and then use the tweezers to grab the bottle).
  • Bush next to the bench – There is a rose underneath.
  • Lamp in the upper left part of the screen – You can interact with it but it doesn’t do anything.
  • Morphing Object – There is a bat in the upper center part of the wall that changes; click on it to pick it up.
  • Chess collectible – Zoom into the bush on the immediate right of the bench with the goblet underneath. There are a couple of plants with a rose underneath. In one of the windowsills is a well-hidden chess collectible.

There are several evidence items in this area. First, look at the body outline on the ground and spot the torn button beneath the leaves. Then, check the weeds beside the outline to cut some away with your knife and spot the watch. Look at the statue in the center of the gazebo and use the brush (found in the brothel) on the lower right corner to spot the carved initials (ignore the lack of interact icon). Finally, look at the crack in the stones on the ground in front of the statue. Inside, you can brush away some leaves, then pull out a small bottle using the tweezers.

This bottle might have poison in it, which could be the real cause of the son’s death. We can test it in our carriage lab to find out. Before we head all the way back, stop in the Central Square and look at the doghouse.

How to take the goblet from the doghouse

The Doghouse has a goblet that matches the one underneath the bench in the gazebo. However, the dog won’t let you look at it without an item in exchange. To get something to trade with the dog, head back downtown and enter the brothel. Next to Diana on the counter is a sandwich you can take. Bring it back to the dog, and you can get Evidence 4/5 – Goblet. Then, we can continue back to the carriage to test the poison.

How to test the bottle of poison (Evidence 5/5)

Bring the vial you found in the crack of the floor of the murder scene to your carriage. Inside your portable lab, you can figure out exactly what it is. All you have to do is pick up the bottle from your inventory and click it on the lab; the game will take care of the rest. Turns out, it’s a bottle of very potent poison, so it looks like this was a murder after all. You will need to bring this evidence back to Diana.

Poison evidence in Case 2 of Mystery Detective Adventure.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Back to the Brothel

After speaking to Diana, you’ll want to take a look at her son’s room. However, the key to the room is conveniently lost. Diana tells you to speak to Oscar Brown, the man she believes murdered her son. He is located outside the cafe in the central part of town. Diana will also give you a puzzle door piece to help you get into the billiards room.

The piece for the lounge door in the brothel in Case 2 of Mystery Detective Adventure.
Image by Pro Game Guides

How to solve the brothel billiards door flower puzzle

The goal of this puzzle is to slide the flowers into their correct colored slots. However, whenever we slide a flower into another slot, all the slots will rotate clockwise. We’ll have to move them in the right order to get them to end up where they belong. While the puzzle is random, here’s one example of how it’s done:

The trick is essentially not to think of getting the flowers into the correct slots but arranging them such that your next move will send everything into the correct slot (and then making the move based on that decision). Once you solve your own version of the puzzle, you can open the door and head through to the billiard room.

Brothel – Billiard Room

There are more objects we can collect and things to look at here.

  • Brothel billiard room points of interest in Mystery Detective Adventure
  • Billiard room lights, part of box in lampshade in Mystery Detective Adventure
  • Billiard room balcony area points of interest in Mystery Detective Adventure
  • Morphing Objects in Case 2 of Mystery Detective Adventure.

  • Billiard Table – In the center of the room; there is an object caught in the netting that you can’t get yet.
  • Card Table – On the right side of the room. You can’t interact with anything here just yet.
  • Lights – Over top of the billiard table (Part of box – Use the umbrella to knock it down).
  • Jester painting – On the far left side near the staircase.
  • Cushions – On the balcony above the billiard table (Powder, Jester box, Torn Tapestry, Collectible)

When you enter the billiard room, look at the billiard table first and click it to notice a Detail piece stuck in the mesh. Then, look up above the lights, and you’ll see something on top of the lampshade. You can’t reach this normally, but thankfully, you can grab the umbrella from the brothel lobby and use it to knock it down. Up in the balcony area of the room, you can grab the powder sitting on the cushion to the right and make note of the other items around.

Oscar Brown and his apartment

Oscar Brown  in Case 2 of Mystery Detective Adventure.
Image by Pro Game Guides

Head outside to the central part of town, and speak to Mr. Brown at the cafe outside the Square (where you took the goblet from the dog). After speaking with him, grab Key and Nuts and a collectible from the table afterward. Open the gate left of the cafe with the Key you took from the cafe table, then you can enter Oscar’s apartment.

  • Large table – Poster (Evidence 1/4) and Comedy mask.
  • Window – Use Alcohol on this to remove the stains and reveal a pattern. Take Part of box from the bottom left corner of the window.
  • Bookshelf – Examine this on the right side of the room and input the pattern you saw on the window (going from top left > top right > bottom left > bottom right). Doing so will reveal a safe which we’ll open later.
  • Drawers – Use Powder on them to reveal handprints and click three with either the most or least handprints to open the large drawer below. Take Antler and acquire the Medicine for the liver (Evidence 2/4).
  • Painting – Businessman’s personalized tickets (Evidence 3/4) and Tragedy mask (next to the evidence)
  • Chess Collectible – Can be found on the right side next to the window.
  • Morphing Object – Just below the Chess collectible.

Return to the Street and attempt to insert the Antler onto the deer’s head only to find the connector is rusty. Use Oiler on the head, then try again. Open the object in front of the door to reveal three numbers: IX – III – VII. Return to the apartment and enter the code into the safe (9 left – 3 right – 7 left). Open the safe to collect Director’s cash receipt (Evidence 4/4). Examine the safe again and take Case. Insert the Comedy mask and Tragedy mask onto the case and open it to acquire Binoculars.


Return to Square and use the Binoculars on the blue flags to the upper left of the large brown theater door to observe a pattern of numbers and animals. Examine the theater door and then click the animals as follows: Lion, Deer, Rhino, then Bear.

Morphing collectible object in case 2 of Mystery Detective Adventure.
Image by Pro Game Guides

Inside, speak to Scott Roth and receive a Key. Before using the key, grab the Morphing Object on the flag as in the screenshot above. Then, use the key on the back right door and head up the stairs, where you’ll be tasked with finding 15 lenses. Back in the theater, use the lenses on the box on the right to begin a new puzzle.

All lense locations in Mystery Detective Adventure
Image by Pro Game Guides

How to solve the theater box puzzle

The goal of this puzzle is to end up with just one red piece on the board. To do this, you have to jump a red piece over another red piece (checkers style, though no diagonal movement is permitted). The trick is to essentially plan a move or two ahead and to try and keep the pieces as close together as you can in order to maximize your next moves and to ensure you always have a next move (if they become too far away, you’ll have to reset).

After completing the puzzle, take Needle and Thread as well as Case from the box. Examine the camera on the left side and open it with Screwdriver, then use Case on it to acquire Film. Return to your carriage (Street area) and swap the white light with the red one, the add Film to the table. Interact with the Film to place the photo in the tray then examine it to find Photo (Evidence 1/5).

Return to the Theater and use the Photo on the director, who will point you to the theater hall. Examine the